Try all six sparkling tea flavors...
Passionfruit Tangerine, Pineapple Melon, Raspberry Hibiscus, Bourbon Ginger Pear, Peach Tree Hops, and Green Tea Pilsner
Sparkling Passionfruit Tangerine - Low Caffeine
INGREDIENTS: carbonated water, green rooibos, white tea, orange peel, hibiscus, marigold, apricots, and natural passionfruit, tangerine, and grapefruit oil flavoring.
Sparkling Bourbon Ginger Pear - Low Caffeine
INGREDIENTS: carbonated water, green rooibos, ginger root, bai mudan white tea, elderflower, cornflower, dried pears, and natural flavoring.
Sparkling Pineapple Melon - Caffeine Free
INGREDIENTS: carbonated water, apple, pineapple, green rooibos, cranberry, hibiscus, marigold, safflower, and natural watermelon flavoring.
Sparkling Raspberry Hibiscus - Caffeine Free
INGREDIENTS: Green rooibos, organic honey bush, hibiscus, dried raspberries, dried pomegranates and natural flavoring.
Sparkling Peach Tree Hops - Caffeine Free
INGREDIENTS: carbonated water, green rooibos, hops, orange peel, marigold petals, and natural peach flavor.
Sparkling Green Tea Pilsner - High Caffeine
INGREDIENTS: carbonated water, green tea blend, hops, and honeybush.